16 June 2023
The nominations for the 38th Prix Gémeaux have been announced, and Productions J has garnered a total of 10 nominations for 5 of its productions: Occupation Double, La semaine des 4 Julie, Qui sait chanter? Le Fabuleux Printemps de Marie-Lyne & Complètement Lycée! OCCUPATION DOUBLE MARTINIQUE is nominated in 3 categories: :
- Best reality show
- Best Direction: Reality TV
- Best animation: Game or reality show
COMPLÈTEMENT LYCÉE wins nominations for :
- Best comedy or comedy drama
- Best Direction: Comedy or Comedy Drama
- Best text: Comedy or dramatic comedy
MARIE-LYNE’S FABULOUS SPRING receives 2 nominations for :
- Best special program or series: Interviews or Talk-Show
- Best Direction: Interviews or Talk-Show
LA SEMAINE DES 4 JULIE is one of the finalists in this category:
- Best special program or series: Interviews or Talk-Show
And finally, QUI SAIT CHANTER? is a finalist in this category:
- Best direction: Game
Well done to our wonderful team, and congratulations to all the finalists!
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